Parent/Guardian Signature: Please sign below acknowledging that you are aware of the MAPS Summer Camp hours (8:00am - 5:00pm). MAPS does not provide breakfast or lunch for campers (only snacks). Your signature also acknowledges that the MAPS Summer Camps will not be able to provide transportation for families and students. Families of students attending a MAPS Summer Camp must provide their own transportation to and from the site. As a condition of attending a MAPS Summer Camp, and as consideration for such attendance, by signing below, the parent(s) / guardian(s) agrees to release, waive and hold MAPS and its agents and employees harmless from any and all claims, suits, liability, judgments, attorneys’ fees, costs, and any expenses of any kind resulting from injuries or damages, grounded in tort or otherwise, that such parent(s) / guardian(s) and/or their student(s) attending a MAPS Summer Camp sustain as a result of their transportation or other travels to and from the MAPS Summer Camp site(s).
*We will notify you by email of your child’s acceptance to MAPS Summer Camp within 2 weeks of receipt of your application. If you have additional questions please email us at: or call us at 727-859-3152.